Justina had surgery as the result of Bloat on February 19, 2016.
is greytful for all of the thoughts, prayers and good wishes for Justina’s
recovery and for all of the generous donations.
If you would still like
to make a donation please click on the “donate” button or mail a check to TAGS at P. O. Box 703782.
Dallas, TX 75370-3782.
Please think positive thoughts for Justina as she faces her healing and recovery process.

February 18, 2016 Update: Justina was very happy to see her foster mom and dad today and was glad she got to go home. She also greeted everyone in the waiting room and everyone she met on the way out of the clinic. She was one happy girl.
Justina walked out of the clinic leaving the cancer behind and is looking forward to a full and long life. She will have a few weeks recovery and we are hoping they are uneventful. Her next appointment is 02/29/2016.
February 17, 2016 Update: At approximately noon today, the vet at the Surgery Center said
Justina was doing OK. At that time she had not eaten. He said she seemed
to be somewhat nervous. She was getting up and moving around some but she was
heavily medicated. Another update this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. reflected
positive progress. Justina is doing well. She ate today and went outside to
potty. Hopefully she will have an uneventful night.

February 16, 2016 Update: Per Dr. Lange the tumor was an odd shape but was isolated at the head of her triceps muscle. Justina would not have been
able to use the leg if only the tumor were removed. At this point he still believes that this was a soft tissue sarcoma but we will not know for sure until we get the histopath results. Dr. Lange expects Justina to have a good postoperative outcome.

February 29, 2016 Update: Today was a greyt day for a greyt girl!!!!! Dr. Douglas Lange and Dr. Zachary Wright reviewed Justina’s histopath results and agreed that the chondrosarcoma tumor was removed successfully by the amputation of her left foreleg. There is no evidence of metastasis, and there is a strong likelihood for a cure and a long life. They agreed this is a rare tumor in dogs. Justina’s shoulder sutures and her stomach sutures and bandages were removed today. She is moving around on three legs like a champ. Her pain meds will be reduced and she has one more week of leash walking and restricted activity. It’s now time for Justina to heal and get back to her normal life. She will have an X-ray in three months and further treatment options, if necessary, will be discussed at that time. TAGS and Justina thank all of you for your prayers and best wishes for Justina’s recovery. TAGS also appreciates your generosity, and all additional donations to help defer the extensive medical costs will be a greyt help.

Justina's beginning story:
Throughout her ordeal, Justina remains her sweet, friendly self, always willing to give kisses to anyone who will let her. Your donations to TAGS, a 501( c)(3) nonprofit organization, are tax deductible. Please make your donation through Pay Pal online or send a check to TAGS at P. O. Box 703782, Dallas, Texas 75370-3782. Your donations will certainly make the life of one special Greyhound better. Justina will be delighted to reward your generosity with all of the kisses you can take.