Letters to Santa...

Dear Santa:

 I love to play with kids.

We only have one kid in our family.

Could you please get me another kid for Christmas.





Dear Santa:

I have written 4 letters to you but so far I haven’t heard from you.

Maybe somebody is stealing your mail.

I think you need a watchdog.




Dear Santa

Do dogs go to heaven?

I hope so because I don’t want to go any place where there are cats.

 Your friend, Rags



Dear Santa:

I would like some goggles please, so when I stick my head out the window of our car to help my person drive, I don’t get any more stuff in my eyes.





Dear Santa:

How much does it cost to buy a puppy?  I need a friend in my house.

I have 28 cents.  I hope that is okay.

 Thank you,




Dear Santa:

You don’t have to get me a present for Christmas if you are too busy.

Just send me a picture and your autograph.  The autograph should say ”To my good friend, the smartest dog in Dallas.”

Everyone will  know who you are talking about.





Dear Santa:

What time do you get up in the morning?

I have to get up at 5:00 a.m. so the boss in the house can walk me before he goes to work.

I wish he would get another job.  I need my sleep.




Dear Santa:

If you bite somebody they give my master a ticket.

I don’t think that is fair.  He never bites anyone

Your pal



Dear Santa:

What do you do for exercise?

Maybe you should chase squirrels.  I exercise every day when I chase squirrels in the back yard.





Dear Santa:

I am writing for all the dogs in the neighborhood.

We would like a computer so we can e-mail messages to each other instead of just barking.

Thank you,




Dear Santa:

There are some dogs in the neighborhood who don’t believe in you.

But I believe in you, so I should get the toys the dogs who don’t believe in you would get.

Love, Zack



Dear Santa:

I have been a good dog all year except when I bit the cat by mistake.  For the third time.

Your friend




Dear Santa

I read in a dog book that there are 65 million dogs in the U.S.A.

We should elect our own President.




Dear Santa:

I have been a perfect dog this year.

I didn’t bite anybody and I didn’t break anything in the living room.

I hope you remember than when you make your list of dogs who have been nice and not naughty.




Dear Santa:

They built a dog house for me but I don’t like it because it has no TV.

Could you get me a doghouse with at TV?





Dear Santa:

Do you know any jobs in this neighborhood where I could make some money and buy a rubber ball that could be mine?

The kids have their own rubber ball but they never let me use it because they say I get it all slobbery.




Dear Santa:

I hate to go out in the rain.

I need a raincoat.

I think I am a size 2.

Thank you,


Dear Santa,

How many Sana clauses are there in the world? 

The reason I am asking is you are everywhere on Christmas Eve.

Did you have a lot of brothers in your litter?




Dear Santa,

My humans always want me to beg for a dog treat.

Have they ever had a dog treat?

If they had, they would know it’s not worth interrupting my nap for.




Dear Santa,

I just found out that my owner had another dog before me.

Should I be jealous?




Dear Santa,

I have been a good dog all year.  I even refrained from chasing the new cat in the family.

As my Christmas present, could you please find a few home for the cat?




Dear Santa,

I like to nap every day at 4:00 p.m. on the sofa in the TV room.

The only trouble is my “mom” likes to sit on the sofa at 4:00 p.m. every day and watch Ellen.

I think we need another sofa.  I like Ellen, too, but my nap is more important.





Dear Santa,

I don’t need any presents from you this Christmas.  My owner has already bought me a new ball.

I sniffed it out in the pile of packages under the tree, but I didn’t take it – I know he wants it to be a surprise!




Dear Santa,

My owners are vegetarians so as you can imagine, the table scraps here are terrible.

Could you please bring me a nice juicy steak for Christmas?

(Please don’t tell my owners – they would be so disappointed).




Dear Santa,

I can run very fast.  I am the fastest dog in the neighborhood.

I am even faster than a kid on a bike.

I would like roller skates for Christmas so I can go faster.




Dear Santa,

Do you know the names of any vests who give you a treat after they examine you?

My vet pokes me all over and when he is finished he pats me on the head and says, “Good dog.”

The truth is I would rather have a treat.


                  Texas Adopt a Greyhound Society, Inc. ~ P.O. Box 703782 ~ Dallas, TX  75370                       214-368-TAGS(8247)